• 關於 About

    「絲竹空」由一群充滿好奇心、極具開創性格的爵士樂和國樂界專業音樂家所組成,自 2005 年成立以來,不僅持續舉辦【乘著紙鳶的翅膀】、【遊文戲字】、【手牽手的力量】等年度公演,亦受邀參與如【兩廳院夏日爵士音樂節】、【台中爵士音樂節】、【華山藝術生活節】、【2012劇場藝術節】、【爵士上海國際音樂節】、印尼【雅加達國際爵士音樂節】、馬來西亞【檳城爵士音樂節】、韓國【加平國際爵士音樂節】、立陶宛【維爾紐斯爵士音樂節】、以及【加拿大音樂週音樂節】等國內外音樂盛會,至今公演超過 200場,精湛的技巧及充滿張力的演出,每每獲得熱烈的迴響。

      Jazz from Taiwan! The fusion of sounds old and new!
    In 2005, a group of innovative young musicians, some trained in jazz and some in traditional Chinese music, came together to become – Sizhukong!  From Taiwan’s top concert venues to Korea to Shanghai and all the way to Lithuania, Sizhukong has dazzled audiences worldwide with its unique combination of musicianship and daring.

    在作品發行部份,2007 年首張同名專輯【絲竹空】被本地樂壇視為有著劃時代的意義,不僅完成了華人樂手夢寐以求的目標 將國樂與爵士樂元素完美融合、入圍了 2008 年第十九屆金曲獎演奏類「最佳專輯」與「最佳專輯製作人」兩項提名外,亦獲新聞局遴選為 2010 年代表台灣參加法國 MIDEM 坎城國際唱片展的大碟之一。
    For their self-titled debut album, widely recognized in Taiwan as a watershed moment in contemporary Taiwanese music, the band received nominations for Best Album and Best Producer at the 2008 Golden Melody Awards, and the album was selected as Taiwan’s representative to the 2010 MIDEM Festival in Cannes.

    2009 年的第二張專輯【紙鳶】更是當年的大驚奇,在沒有主唱、明星與宣傳的缺乏行銷資源狀況下,於 2010 年第二十一屆金曲獎一舉拿下兩年前失之交臂的演奏類「最佳專輯」與「最佳專輯製作人」兩項殊榮,並於世界多國上巿,傑出的表現不但使爵士權威網站 All About Jazz 以專文推薦,音樂總監彭郁雯也在其後勇奪第一屆金音獎「最佳樂手獎」。
    With their second album, Paper Eagle, Sizhukong shocked everyone by winning Best Album and Best Producer at the 2010 Golden Melody Awards, an unthinkable feat for an album with no lead singer and no promotion machine behind it.  Paper Eagle was released worldwide and promoted as a favored selection on the All About Jazz website.

    2012 年的第三張專輯【旋轉】由索尼音樂於全球發行,不但榮獲中國第四屆金榕樹音樂獎「最佳爵士唱片」, 且獲得爵士權威網站 All About Jazz 樂評專文報導,報導在兩週內榮登點閱率亞軍,並入圍第三屆金音獎「最佳爵士專輯獎」、「最佳爵士單曲獎」,核心成員吳政君亦入圍「最佳樂手獎」,同名演出製作獲得金音獎「最佳現場演奏獎」   
    Sizhukong's latest album, Spin, released worldwide in 2012 by Sony Music. This record was nominated for Best Jazz Album and Best Jazz Singles at the 2012 Golden Indie Music Award in Taiwan. Spin was also promoted as a favored selection on the All About Jazz website.     



    Imagine the sound of silk and bamboo – soaring in open sky!

    “Sizhukong” means “Silk, Bamboo, Open” and originally refers to a pressure point near the temples.  A few light touches will relieve headaches, dizziness, and all sorts of aches.  To get from the silk and bamboo of our musical instruments to the openness of our music, imagine a lone knight who swoops to the rescue from high in the mountain passes.  Imagine listening to an impenetrable language that calls up visions before your eyes.

    Sizhukong is a band, or a vision.  We chose this name to bring together as one the material of our instruments and the vast, all-encompassing power of the empty.  May our music touch you and bring you healing!





    這些,都是「絲竹空」,不只是音樂、是禮讚、是個桃花源、也是個烏托邦 - 且讓風格定義僅供參考,至於那喜樂,聆聽,你就得到。

    East and West meets Jazz!

    Sizhukong performance is like a return to the heartland of jazz, but a new kind of jazz, where Chinese instruments of silk and bamboo bring unbridled rhythms of improvisation and subtle echoes between the tunes.  Or it is like a new kind of traditional Chinese music, where the solemn sounds of old are infused with new elements.  Whichever it is, you can’t help but follow along with it. 

    It calls up old memories, but holds instruction for modern life as well.  East and west, music and silence, tradition and innovation – everything is in harmonious array, like the stars of the Milky Way.

    You can say it is a new style propelling a new world music in Taiwan.  Or a reborn eastern jazz, a genre-crossing best-selling behemoth.  Or a simple plea for a revivified Chinese music.  But every second of every tune will be new to you.  This is what “Sizhukong” is.  Not just music, but a mantra, a paradise, a utopia.  Or so we say – but come and hear for yourself.



    2013  中國 / 南京爵士與世界音樂節
    2012, 2007, 2005  台灣 / 台中爵士音樂節
    2012  台灣 / 劇場藝術節
    2012  台灣 / 喝采音樂節
    2011  台灣 / 華山藝術生活節
    2011  台灣 / 新港國際社區藝術節
    2010  台灣 / 原聲音樂節
    2009  馬來西亞 / 檳城爵士音樂節
    2009  中國 / 爵士上海音樂節
    2008  印尼 / 雅加達國際爵士音樂節
    2008  韓國 / 加平 Jarasum 爵士音樂節
    2008  香港 / Jazz Up 音樂節
    2007  中國 / 上海朱家角水鄉世界音樂季
    2006  台灣 / 台北電影節開幕音樂會
    2005  台灣 / 台北藝術節


    2013  英國 / 愛丁堡爵士音樂節
    2010    立陶宛 / 維爾紐斯爵士音樂節


    2012  加拿大 / 加拿大音樂週
    2010  中美洲巡演:薩爾瓦多、宏都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、多明尼加

     Important Performances 

    2013 Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival, Edinburgh, England
    2010 Vilnius Jazz Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania

    2012 Canadian Music Week, Toronto, Canada

    Central America
    2010 Central America Concert Tour, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic

    2013 Nanjing International Jazz & World Music Festival, Nanjing, China
    2013, 2010 OrigSound Music Festival, Hualian, Taiwan
    2012 Taiwan Theatre Festival, Taiwan
    2012, 2008 National Theater Summer Jazz Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
    2012, 2007, 2005 Taichung Jazz Festival, Taichung, Taiwan
    2012 Bravo! Music Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
    2011 Huashan Living Arts Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
    2011 Hsin-Kang International Community Arts Festival, Chiayi, Taiwan
    2009 Penang Island Jazz Festival, Penang, Malaysia
    2009 Shanghai Jazz Music Festival, Shanghai, China
    2008 Java International Jazz Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia
    2008 Jarasum Jazz Festival, Korea
    2008 Hong Kong Jazz Up Concert, Hong Kong
    2007 Zhu Jia Jiao Water Village World Music Festival, Shanghai, China
    2006 Taipei Film Festival Opening Concerts, Taipei, Taiwan
    2005 Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei, Taiwan

    專輯 Albums

    絲竹空同名專輯 Sizhukong

     購買CD  / 下載MP3  / 收藏限量黑膠 


    buy CD / download MP3

    Nominated for “Best Album” & “Best Producer” 
     Golden Melody Awards, 2008 

    紙鳶 Paper Eagle

    購買CD / 下載MP3


    buy CD / download MP3

    Winner of “Best Album” & “Best Producer” 
    Golden Melody Awards, 2010

    旋轉 Spin

    購買CD / 下載MP3


    buy CD / download MP3 

    Nominated for “Best Jazz Album” & “Best Jazz Singles”
    Golden Indie Music Award, 2012

    音樂家 Musicians


    台灣大學社會系、美國百克里音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)畢業,專攻爵士理論作曲與爵士鋼琴。2005年成立絲竹空爵士樂團,致力國樂與爵士樂、世界音樂的融合,為樂團所製作的【絲竹空】(2007)、 【紙鳶】(2009)以及【旋轉】(2012)三張專輯,使台灣的傳統音樂藝術蛻變出具有當代精神的新聲響,備受國內外音樂專業人士與愛樂者的讚譽,並榮獲2010金曲獎「最佳演奏專輯製作人獎」、金音奬「最佳樂手獎」。曾前往立陶宛、中美洲、杜拜、印尼、馬來西亞、韓國、香港、澳門、中國大陸等地演出,為國內受邀至海外音樂節演出最多之爵士音樂家之一。

    Yuwen Peng 
    (Artistic Director)
    composer, arranger, keyboards

    After graduating from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University, Yuwen studied jazz piano and composition at the Berklee College of Music.  Yuwen founded Sizhukong in 2005, produced two albums that have won accolades in Taiwan and abroad, and won the 2010 Golden Melody Award for Best Instrumental Album Producer.  Taiwan’s biggest presence on the international jazz circuit, Yuwen has performed in Hong Kong, Macao, Indonesia, Dubai, Malaysia, Korea, mainland China and Europe.


    畢業於國立台灣戲曲學院,擅長二胡、拉丁打擊樂器、中國打擊樂器、世界手鼓、爵士鼓等多項樂器。近年來更以紮實的國樂素養以及多方位的打擊才華,跨足世界音樂、爵士樂、拉丁音樂、流行音樂等各領域,經常與知名音樂人於世界各地合作演出。目前擔任絲竹空爵士樂團、Montunos 拉丁樂團團員,並受聘為國立台灣戲曲學院兼任講師,同時創立個人音樂表演藝術工作室 EJ Music Studio

    Alex Wu
    composer, percussion, erhu, vocals

    A graduate of the National Taiwan College of the Performing Arts, Alex is a master of the erhu, latin percussion, traditional Chinese percussion, hand drum, and drum set.  In recent years he has brought his traditional skills and multiple instrumental talents to world music, jazz, latin and pop, performing with famous artists worldwide.  Alex is currently a member of Sizhukong and the Montunos Latin ensemble, a lecturer at the National Taiwan College of Performing Arts, and the founder of the EJ Music Studio.




    Chihling Chen
    ruan (Chinese lute), liuqin (Chinese mandolin)
    Chihling is a graduate of the Chinese Culture University’s Department of Chinese Music, where she was the recipient of numerous awards.  Chihling joined Sizhukong in 2007.   She teaches ruan and liuqin in primary and middle schools, and is the leader of the Six Golden Hairpins Girls’ Music Ensemble.  She performs regularly at music festivals and in Taiwan’s top venues.




    Chihping Huang
    dizi (Chinese flute), xiao (Chinese recorder), EWI, bawoo flute

    Chihping graduated from the Department of Chinese Music at the National Taiwan University of the Arts, majoring in Chinese flute.  He has performed with the National Chinese Orchestra, the Taipei Chinese Orchestra and the Chin-yuan Chinese Orchestra.  In 2001, he performed the new Peking opera “The White Haired Girl” with famed singer Li Baochun.  Chihping has served as music director for the BCC Chinese Orchestra, performed with the Taipei County Chinese Orchestra, and taught at numerous schools.  He joined Sizhukong in 2007.


    客席樂手 Guest Musician

    藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii
    電貝斯、打擊 bass, percussion

    吳馬丁 Martijn Vanbuel
    低音提琴 double bass

    以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo 

    主唱 vocals

    廖柏鈞(樹葉) Suyeh Liao 

    爵士鼓 drums

    謝華洲 Hwa Jou Shieh 
    吉他 guitar

    陳依芳 I-Fang Chen
    二胡 erhu

    林冠良 Kuanliang Lin
    爵士鼓 drums

    王睿 Rui Wang

    低音提琴 double bass

    白克迪 Cody Byassee
    爵士鼓 drums

    葉俊麟 Chunlin Yeh

    電貝斯 electric bass

    影片 Videos

    天公落水 To Rain

    Live at Taiwan PTS (Public Television Service)

    手牽手 Hand in Hand

    2012/9/28 中山堂現場實況
    Live at Zhongshan Hall

    醉酒都馬 Drunk in Duma

    2013/1/6 河岸留言現場實況

     Live at Riverside
